Santa Caterina
The castle of Santa Caterina – Brief Overview
The castle of Santa Caterina is situated on the top of the mountain from which it takes its name. It was built in the Norman age under the rule of King Roger I D’Altavilla on the ruins of one of the three Saracen watchtowers that appear in the Favignana coat of arms. Later it was given to Palmerio Abate that used it as a defense fort in which the legend says he defeated the Angioini chasing away the French from Sicily. Under the rein of the King of Aragon it changes its function and became a prison. In the entrance on the door frame is situated a coat of arms corroded in time which refers to the Spanish house. Another inscription is on the wall in front of the stairs and on it is engraved the name of the city of Catania and the date 1655, revealing the year in which it was restored.
The castle of Santa Caterina today
After the Second World War the Castle was taken over by the Navy. Sadly it has not been preserved but was left abandoned.